Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Because – there is nobody else who does financial planning for you the way we believe it needs to be done:
in a Family Office sort of way
based on you (your life, your values, your hopes, your dreams, your situation and, yes, your fears)
comprehensively – to allow you to lead the most inspired life possible and to achieve ALL of your life goals
totally in your best interest, not in ours
in a way that allows you to have the impact on the world that YOU want and to leave the Legacy you want to leave
We can’t change the way Wall Street works, but we can offer something different to our clients.
We are focused on providing you with customized, comprehensive wealth management & family office services.
At Purposeful Financial & Legacy Planning, our mission is to help our clients achieve all of their goals and to provide them with the best path to wealth accumulation, retention, and transfer of assets. We do this by creating and implementing strategies tailored to their unique goals.
We are driven to provide our clients with uncluttered, professional advice that enhances their quality of life and leads to sustained and actionable solutions.
We offer thorough counsel on each client’s wealth management issues. Our goals are:
To provide clients with clarity.
To educate.
To make significant and tangible progress toward every client’s financial goals.
To organize and simplify life in such a way that maximizes the family’s enjoyment of their wealth now and in the future. We are our clients’ financial advocate.