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Rick Kahler: Delayed Filing Best Social Security Investment | Kahler Financial Group

Writer's picture: Steve MartinSteve Martin

Once you hit age 62, what’s an investment class that can give you a high guaranteed return with almost no risk? Bonds? Equities? Commodities?

Nope. Social Security.

There’s just one catch.

You can’t actually get your hands on the money until you’re 70.

One of the most common issues for those approaching retirement age is determining the right time to file for Social Security. If you file at age 62, you will receive benefits longer. Yet your monthly benefit for the rest of your life will only be about 75% of the monthly amount you will receive if you file at your full retirement age of 66 to 67. If you wait even longer, the benefit amount is higher still.

Those who are unable to work and don’t have sufficient retirement savings may not have a choice about filing for Social Security early. Those who don’t have a compelling need for early Social Security income may still consider early filing as an option, with the idea of investing the money for their later retirement.

According to a recent article by Karen DeMasters in Financial Advisor magazine, this is not a good choice. She cites research done by William Meyer and William Reichenstein of Social Security Solutions Inc. in Leawood, Kansas.

One big drawback to investing your Social Security benefits is the penalty you pay if you are still working. If, between age 62 and your full retirement age, you earn more than $15,120 a year, your benefits are reduced. So you’d start with a smaller benefit amount, have it cut even further, and not be left with a whole lot to invest.

Even more important, however, is a number that Meyer and Reichenstein emphasize: 8%. This is the amount that your Social Security benefit increases every year between age 62 and 70 that you delay filing. In essence, if you leave your Social Security benefits in the government’s hands instead of investing them yourself, you are guaranteed an 8% annual return on that part of your retirement portfolio. This doesn’t include cost-of-living increases.

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