If your are thinking about retiring someday, this article from the Wall Street Journal provides some great ideas to think about.
Steve ===================================================
Are you planning on retiring in 2013? Expect—and prepare for—big changes.
Punching that clock one last time can be a liberating experience. But giving up that regular paycheck requires careful thought and planning even for those who have diligently saved for retirement.
There are big decisions on Social Security, budgeting and taxes that shouldn’t be left until the morning after the going-away party. In a tough economy and challenging financial markets, it’s even worth taking a very hard look at the decision to retire in the first place.
It’s also important to think through nonfinancial aspects of retirement; many retirees are caught off guard by the emotional aspects that the life-style change can bring.
For those retiring in 2013, here are five questions to ask before making that final commute:
1 Is it really time to retire?