One of Purposeful Financial and Legacy Planning's key values is to support the local community. In support of that value, we will highlight a Northern Colorado charity each month. Additionally, we support that charity with a donation.

This month we are highlighting Project Self-Sufficiency, a program that brings the power of education and career placement to low-income, single parents. This program "evolved from the efforts of a countywide task force in 1985 with the goal of coordinating and expanding services for low-income, single parent families. They determined that one of the most promising pathways out of poverty includes access to higher education. The program grew beyond volunteer-driven mentorship and barrier removal to a formalized curriculum of career planning & support with adult education, training, goals, and career placement." Today, they serve approximately 140 low-income families concurrently.
I have personally supported this charity for over 20 years and have always been impressed with the valuable service they provide to our community.
Here is some basic information about Project Self-Sufficiency:
Their mission, vision, and values:
"The program targets families who earn below 225% of the Federal Poverty Level and have children aged fifteen (15) or younger living in the home more than fifty percent of the time. Ninety-six percent (96%) of single parents enrolled are mothers and 4% are fathers. Sixty-two percent (62%) of program participants are Caucasian and 34% are from Ethnically Diverse Populations.
Our Vision is that every low-income, single parent in Larimer County is self-sufficient.
Our Mission is to assist low-income, single parents in their efforts to achieve economic independence and become free from community and government assistance while building and maintaining strong, healthy families.
VALUES selfpower | Opportunity | Respect | Connectedness | Excellence | Accountability"
To find out more about volunteering or making a donation to Project Self-Sufficiency, visit their website here: