It’s Time to Stop the Plundering of Investors
By Daniel Solin
April 26, 2012 RSS Feed Print
The first quarter of 2012 was a good one for the markets. According to an insightful blog by Weston Wellington, vice president of Dimensional Fund Advisors, the S&P 500 Index gained 28.1 percent from a low for the year on October 3, 2011 through March 30, 2012. The Russell 2000 Index also increased by an impressive 36.2 percent.
Check your returns. I suspect many of you did not achieve anything close to those results. Why is there a disconnect between the performance of the markets and your returns? You probably paid attention to financial experts in the media. Here’s one of many examples:
The Economist ran this cover story on October 1, 2011: Be Afraid. The subtitle tells you everything you need to know about the dire views of the author: “Unless politicians act more boldly, the world economy will keep heading towards a black hole.”