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Getting Your House in Order for 2022 - Part 2 of 3

Writer's picture: Steve MartinSteve Martin

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

A few weeks ago we published the first part of a 3-part series titled “Getting Your House in Order for 2022."

Not having your “house in order” can, at a minimum, cause headaches for the people in your life if something happens to you, or in many cases, result in financial costs that could have been avoided.

In the first blog, which you can find here, we talked about organizing key information about contacts, bills, and loans.

TODAY we continue with a checklist of important information to share, including information about your assets and your banking.


This includes bank accounts, investments, and benefits.

Have a recent account statement for each, location of related items, and account/login and password for online management.

❏ Checking

❏ Savings

❏ Investments

❏ Stocks/Bonds

❏ Mutual Funds

❏ 401(k)

❏ Other: ______________________________________

❏ Traditional IRA

❏ Roth IRA

❏ Pension (SEP / SARSEP)

❏ Military Benefits

❏ 403(b)

❏ Certificate Of Deposit


❏ Birth Certificate

❏ Social Security Card

❏ Passport

❏ Marriage Certificate

❏ Other: _______________________________


❏ Primary Card –

  • Type of Card

  • Issuing bank

  • Last four digits

  • Expiration date

❏ Other Cards –

  • Type of Card

  • Issuing bank

  • Last four digits

  • Expiration date


Gather these up and take photos of the ones you regularly use and keep them in a safe place.

❏ Driver’s License

❏ Armed Forces ID

❏ Citizenship Docs

❏ Divorce Decree

Next week we will finalize the list of key necessary information.


Purposeful Financial and Legacy Planning

Fee-Only Financial Planning

(970) 443-1873

3400 Rosestone Ct, Fort Collins, CO 80525

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