“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

I love natural endings – and natural beginnings.
The beginning of a new year is one of (and the biggest) of all natural beginnings. It is a great time to re-set and gives us, as Oprah Winfrey says, another chance to get it right.
Very few of us have all our “house in order” regarding our financial affairs. The beginning of the new year is a wonderful time to address this issue.
This is part one of a three-part series focused on helping you get your financial and other important issues in order.
Not having your “house in order” can, at a minimum, cause headaches for the people in your life if something happens to you or, in many cases, result in financial costs that could have been avoided.
TODAY is a great day for you to get all your (and your family's) essential information in order.
Being stuck at home in the wake of COVID-19 can be a major disruption to our daily routines -- especially if you have kids or are helping to care for aging parents -- but it’s also an opportunity to put your time to good use and your mind at ease.
Here's what this short series will help you and your family identify and get organized:
Who are your most important contacts?
Where do you keep all your vital forms of identification?
Have you completed any official and legal documents?
What, if any, medical conditions are you currently managing?
Are all your financial details and insurance policies easy to access?
How do you keep track of passwords?
Below you will find part one of a checklist to help you make sure that all the questions above are addressed.
We provide our clients with access to Everplans, an online repository to help you keep this information organized. You can also use a notebook or similar system to collect the necessary information.
These are the people who can help your family when it’s needed most. Make sure they know how to reach them.
❏ Emergency: _________________________
❏ Work: ______________________________
❏ Primary Doctor: _______________________
❏ Financial Advisor: _____________________
❏ Insurance Agent: ______________________
❏ Attorney: ____________________________
❏ Other: ______________________________
Have a recent account statement for each account and login/password for online management.
❏ Mortgage / Rent
❏ Vehicle Payments
❏ Loans
❏ Alimony/Child Support
❏ Other: _____________________________________
Look for part 2 for more items to be looking at in the following weeks.