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Writer's picture: Steve MartinSteve Martin

Remember – life is for living!



1. The News is for Entertainment and Sensationalism Don’t even think about the news, or the dour talking heads on your TV. You are the master of your own destiny. Life and success transcend money. Whatever your current circumstances, you have ultimate control over your greatest resources; your time and your mind.The same goes for getting wrapped up in social media. The worst thing you can do is spend too much time comparing yourself to others and how they are doing. Set a time limit for social media-and stick to it.

“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” Confucius

2. Spend a few minutes with that gratitude journal and write down the gifts you already have in your life.Don’t sigh, I know this is quite “Oprahish”. This strategy is a sure fire mood booster. You are already living better right now than royalty of the 1800’s. The luxuries of microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, indoor plumbing, electricity, video on demand, and more make our lives spectacular.

read the complete article here: FORGET ABOUT THE ECONOMY; LIVE WEALTHY.

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