Dr. Jill Q. Vecchio, MD and President of the Colorado Chapter Docs4PatientCare made an excellent presentation on the new PPACA Healthcare law (Obamacare) to our Rotary Club.
She has pubished a series of of YouTube video providing excellent information about the PPACA . It is an unbiased look into the actual workings of the law and is definitely worth viewing, These are all NON-PARTISAN and EDUCATIONAL, meant to be viewed by any layperson.
Here are the links to the various videos:
There are 7 segments, each dealing with a different topic.
I urge you to pass them on to as many folks as possible!
Let’s get the word out about how damaging this law is for America!
Pt 1 Coverage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_O7XV3OpmU
Pt 4 State Exchanges and Employers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD8bInqBazI&feature=channel
Pt 5 Doctors and Patients: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mroaiJfQuMk&feature=related
Pt 6 Judicial/Constitutional issues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpa_JXbg4c0&feature=related
Pt 7 Ideas for Real Healthcare Reform: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDk_GhE9Q1E&feature=related
Take Care! Jill Q. Vecchio, MD President, Colorado Chapter Docs4PatientCare Natl Director State Chapter Development, D4PC Physician Advisory Board, D4PC d4pc.org