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Writer's pictureSteve Martin

Beat high-frequency trading machines by not playing their game

There are many who are lamenting the impact that high frequency computer-based trading is having on the market.  They certainly can impact the market on a short term basis, but impact of long-term market prices and trends is probably minimal.



The days of you trying to make a buck actively trading in the stock market are over.

Individuals don’t stand a chance anymore because they are largely competing against rational machines often guided by herd-like irrational forces. The robots can rule in the blink of an eye.

I’m not spouting lines from an Isaac Asimov novel, but citing reality. The machines and people who program and profit from them have won — for now.

I knew it was over for human traders when I heard that high-frequency trading firms were hooking up their data lines directly to exchange computers to gain an extra hundredth of a second in execution time.

High-speed programs are designed to move millions of shares in a fraction of a second to take advantage of small movements in securities prices. These algorithms are ideal Wall Street workers. They don’t need health insurance and you don’t have to pay them bonuses to help finance their Lamborghinis or homes in the Hamptons.

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