9. We work with you to understand how much retirement income you can take from your investments without running out of money during your lifetime.

We help you to determine how much retirement income you can safely take from your investments without running out of money during your lifetime and achieving your other goals.
One of the largest fears that people who are retired or near retirement have is outliving their income.
We have built our expertise by investing in education and complex software to help us answer that question for you by creating a detailed wealth model and financial plan.
We update that plan annually or whenever there are significant changes to your situation. This allows us to always have a clear picture of how changes in your spending habits, life situation, the economy, or tax law will affect the longevity of your money - long before any significant problems might occur.
Our clients appreciate the peace of knowing they will have enough money to achieve their goals brings to their lives.
*To see the whole list of "117 Things" in progress, click here.