We assist in preparing an estate plan for you.
An estate planning attorney is normally needed to prepare and document an estate plan. We, as financial planners, can save you time and money by educating you and preparing the initial design of your plan.
We ask you questions that will get you started thinking about what is important to you, so that you are prepared as you work with a lawyer to create the final estate plan.
Because we charge a flat retainer that covers all our services, there is no additional fee for this service.
This not only saves you money by reducing the number of billable hours your attorney will need to spend with you, it also means your time with the attorney will be more productive because you will understand more of the concepts and language used in estate planning.
Additionally, we work with your attorney to help them understand your assets and liabilities, how they are titled, and to make any changes necessary to implement the estate plan.
*To see the whole list of "117 Things" in progress, click here.